Friday, September 21, 2012


I reconnected tonight with a dear, dear friend that I have not seen in several years.  It was incredibly awesome.  Our lives have taken us on different paths--- I have quit corporate, she has is still there, I have moved to the country and she still fights traffic. BUT at the core, our experiences joys and challenges have been so similar.  Kids, school, families, money, work, play, etc.  -- all of these things do not know location.  We felt like sisters to one another years ago and I left tonight still feeling that same way.  The core joys and sorrows of life know no boundaries and they do not pick and choose us based on location or life style. No matter where one lives it is the human element that brings us together and gives us commonality with one another.  I am so grateful for our past friendship; I am so exhilarated with excitement on connecting again and I am so looking forward to seeing how our paths will continue to intertwine with each other, thus allowing us to grow together and experience more of life.

How about you?  Have you reconnected with someone lately?  If not, I highly recommend it!

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